A Summary of the Chris Evert Divorce
The Chris Evert Divorce was finalized in 2006, which ended the 18-year marriage between Chris Evert and Andy Mill - the couple was wed in 1988. Speculation surrounding the Chris Evert Divorce suggests that the events leading up to the Chris Evert Divorce were reported as being irreconcilable differences; for those unfamiliar with the Chris Evert Divorce, the celebrity status of Chris Evert and Andy Mill thrust the dissolution of the couple’s marriage into media headlines making it a highly-publicized event in the time that the Chris Evert Divorce had taken place. The reasons for this are not surprising, due to the fact that Chris Evert was regarded as amongst the most sought-after and recognized professional tennis players and female athletes; furthermore, the fact that Andy Mill is also considered to be equally revered as a professional skier made the Chris Evert Divorce ripe for public consumption.
The Terms and Conditions of the Chris Evert Divorce
Although the filing of an uncontested divorce was ideal with regard to the privacy of the celebrity couple, both Chris Evert and Andy Mill were required to adhere to both preexisting terms and conditions, as well as adhere to any subsequent petitions filed, which included the award of spousal support through alimony, child custody of the couple’s 3 children, and the division of the couple’s shared assets:
The Terms of Alimony and the Division of Assets in the Chris Evert Divorce
Alimony – in the form of spousal support – expressed the agreements; Andy Mill petitioned for alimony payments from Chris Evert upon the finalization of the Chris Evert Divorce. The following provision of spousal support was reported to have taken place within the Chris Evert Divorce:
Andy Mill was awarded upwards of $7 million in monies and assets, a home that the couple had shared in Colorado valued at $4 million; Evert retained ownership of the couple’s Florida home valued at nearly $3 million
Petitions Expressed in the Chris Evert Divorce
Custody of the couple’s 3 children would determine both the nature, as well as the classification of the custodial responsibility undertaken by Chris Evert and Andy Mill; the award of sole – or primary – custody allows that parent named as the primary or sole custodian to both maintain residence with the child, as well as become eligible for the receipt of child support payments. The following determination of custody was reported to have taken place within the Chris Evert Divorce:
Within the Chris Evert Divorce, Evert was able to retain primary custody of the couple’s 3 children – Alexander, Nicholas, and Colton
The Determination of Contest within the Chris Evert Divorce
In many cases, the celebrity status enjoyed by both Chris Evert and Andy Mill would be viewed as a gift and a privilege; however, in the case of the Chris Evert Divorce, the media coverage latent within the Chris Evert Divorce proceedings thrust the legal undertakings into the spotlight – a dynamic that was considered to threaten the privacy of the couple facing dissolution. In an attempt to maintain privacy with regard to not only the monetary terms and conditions of the Chris Evert Divorce settlement, but also with regard to the alleged reasons for the Chris Evert Divorce taking place, the respective legal teams belonging to Chris Evert and Andy Mill determined that the Chris Evert Divorce would be filed as uncontested in nature
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