Facts about the Michael Douglas Divorce
Michael Douglas is an American actor who met Diandra Luker at an inauguration ceremony for the upcoming presidential elect Jimmy Carter in March of 1977; at the time of their meeting Michael Douglas was 33 years old and Diandra Luker was 19 years old – the Michael Douglas divorce took place in 1998. While at the time of their marriage, Michael Douglas was not considered to have reached the height of celebrity that he would experience within forthcoming years; over the course of the marriage – prior to the Michael Douglas divorce - Michael Douglas became one of the highest-paid and most sought-after actors of his time:
Michael Douglas has graced the screen in a multitude of films; amongst the films for which he considered to be the renowned include Wall Street, Fatal Attraction, The War of the Roses, The Jewel of the Nile, Wonderboys, and Traffic
Michael Douglas and Diandra Douglas share one child named Cameron, who was born in 1978; due to his age at the time of the Michael Douglas divorce, the need to establish custody for Cameron was unnecessary
Throughout the marriage of Michael Douglas and Diandra Douglas, the couple was not without their share of domestic difficulty; in 1992, Michael Douglas confessed to an addiction to both drugs and alcohol and underwent treatment in a rehabilitation facility
Michael Douglas was also rumored to have undertaken extramarital partners; however, his alleged infidelity was never substantiated
The Terms and Conditions of the Michael Douglas Divorce
The Michael Douglas divorce – in conjunction with the respective calculations of alimony payments, the division of assets, and supplementary spousal support offered to Diandra Douglas from Michael Douglas – is considered to be amongst the most expensive in history. Although the terms of the Michael Douglas divorce settlement were kept highly-private, the following details were released:
Diandra Douglas walked away with an alleged sum of $45 million subsequent to the Michael Douglas divorce
Diandra Douglas was also awarded the couple’s formerly-shared homes in Beverley Hills, California and the island of Majorca
The Determination of Contest within the Michael Douglas Divorce
In many cases, the celebrity status enjoyed by both Michael Douglas and Diandra Douglas would be viewed as a gift and a privilege; however, in the case of the Michael Douglas Divorce, the media coverage latent within the Michael Douglas Divorce proceedings thrust the legal undertakings into the spotlight – a dynamic that was considered to threaten the privacy of the couple facing dissolution:
In the event that a couple mutually decides to file for divorce in an uncontested fashion, which means that the couple has both agreed to the terms of the divorce settlement, as well as to the reasoning for the ultimate dissolution of the marriage, the specific details of the divorce settlement are not released to the public record
In an attempt to maintain privacy with regard to not only the monetary terms and conditions of the Michael Douglas Divorce settlement, but also with regard to the alleged reasons for the Michael Douglas Divorce taking place, the respective legal teams belonging to Michael Douglas and Diandra Douglas determined that the Michael Douglas Divorce would be filed as uncontested in nature
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