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The Secrets of the Greg Norman Divorce

Greg Norman Divorce

A Summary of the Greg Norman Divorce

The Greg Norman Divorce was finalized in September of 2007, which ended the 25-year marriage between Greg Norman and Laura Andrassy - the couple was wed in July of 1981. for those unfamiliar with the Greg Norman Divorce, the celebrity status of Greg Norman as an electrifying professional golfer thrust the dissolution of the couple’s marriage into media headlines making it a highly-publicized event at the time that the Greg Norman Divorce had taken place:

Speculation surrounding the Greg Norman Divorce suggests that the events leading up to the Greg Norman Divorce included allegations that Greg Norman had undertaken an affair with former tennis professional Chris Evert

In an ironic turn of events, Chris Evert had endured a costly divorce ten years prior, which was classified as amongst the most expensive with regard to spousal support furnished by a female spouse to a male spouse – her former husband, Andy Mill, was reported to have received upwards of $10 million in assets and monies

Greg Norman and Laura Andrassy share 2 children, both of whom were legal adults at the time of the Greg Norman divorce, which resulted in the determination of custody to be moot

The Terms and Conditions of the Greg Norman Divorce

Although the filing of an uncontested divorce was ideal with regard to the privacy of the celebrity couple, both Greg Norman and Laura Andrassy were required to adhere to both preexisting terms and conditions, as well as adhere to any subsequent petitions filed, which included the award of spousal support through alimony and the division of the couple’s shared assets:

The Terms of Alimony in the Greg Norman Divorce

Alimony – in the form of spousal support – expressed the agreements; Greg Norman petitioned for alimony payments from Laura Andrassy upon the finalization of the Greg Norman Divorce. The following provision of spousal support was reported to have taken place within the Greg Norman Divorce:

Due to the fact that a confidentiality agreements – also known as a ‘gag order’ was required of Andrassy within the Greg Norman divorce settlement, Andrassy made public comments with regard to Chris Evert’s behavior; she claimed that Evert actively pursued her husband in plain sight

Although Greg Norman petitioned that Andrassy had violated the terms of the confidentiality agreement, Andrassy was awarded a lump sum of $107 million

Subsequent to the finalization of the Greg Norman divorce, Norman and Evert wed in 2008

The Greg Norman Divorce and the Public Record

The respective celebrity status shared by both Greg Norman and Laura Andrassy - within the Greg Norman Divorce settlement - would allow for personal and privileged details latent within the personal relationship shared by Greg Norman and Laura Andrassy to be released into public record:

The legal stipulations undertaken within a celebrity divorce – akin to those inherent within traditional divorces – express strict parameters with regard to the release of the specific divorce settlement to public record

The realm of public record allows the terms of a divorce settlement to be accessed within the realm of common law – a primary tenet of common law allows past cases to serve as legislative parameters taken into consideration by specific judicial review

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